EVA BENDE – Modalog

Eva Bende is the Sales Manager for Modalog SA.

After ten years working in different countries, always within fashion since 2010 Eva is in Ticino, still in fashion industry, but fully focused on sustainable transport solutions in European City centres.

Eva is responsible for marketing/PR activities and commercial/sales activities as well.

Her passion can now be intertwined with her duties to promote Modalog’s fleet of E-trucks – together with their privileged partner, Niinivirta SpA, that is the trucks’ supplier.


In these days it is very trendy to talk about sustainability.

Different is the story if you ask me about who in fashion is really delivering services in a sustainable way.

I met Eva more than one year ago. I was impressed by this Scandinavian lady that was speaking to me about sustainable delivery.

When we start talking, I immediately understood that she was talking about things she really known, and this is really uncommon in this field.

Honestly speaking I think that sustainability can no longer be a slogan. 

Sooner or later e-delivery will not mean anymore only e-Commerce delivery, but electrical eCommerce delivery.

And probably this new clean way of competing will give a chance to David to defeats Golia?

In below conversation with Eva you will find new elements to move towards sustainable services, but also some points regarding cultural steps ahead south European businesses need to take from now on.


Dear Eva please give me a description of what your Company is providing and what is different, if there is something, from the standard offers?

MODALOG SA is a private owned freight forwarder company with roots from Scandinavia.

We are specialised for tailor made services by road, by sea and by air.

MODALOG collaborates closely with Niinivirta Transport SpA with offices in whole Italy and in Finland.
We are together offering sustainable transport services with 100% electric trucks ( E-trucks).

With our fleet of E-trucks we can cover all the city areas – specially delicate old towns where the access of traditional trucks are not allowed.

We can deliver goods in Torino, Milan (extended with Como, Varese, Lecco), Brescia, Rome and Florence, In South Switzerland in Ticino and in Finland Tampere and Vantaa/Helsinki area.

Our E-trucks can deliver up to 9.000 kg goods with a completely silent and with zero emissions.



Which are for your Company the crucial factors for consolidating this growing business and enforce the relationship with your Clients?

Our clients are multinational fashion houses with clear view towards new and innovative ways to transport their goods and be successful even in the future.

Simple speaking, building sustainability into the ways we do business is inherently necessary in today’s world.

To be responsible and also to remain successful. And why? Because the future is clear –natural resources are finite and climate change will continue to diminish the raw material we rely on as businesses. 

So, there really is no other choice but to decouple business growth from the use of natural resources and move towards a regenerative cycle, with less emissions and more close loop solutions.

In order to do so, disruptive innovations is a “ MUST”. With this kind of new mind set we want to create opportunities and even add value to business.

This approach we open towards our clients and invite them to create together greener options and sustainable solutions.
We are offering smart solution with innovation towards a clean and silent way to delivery goods in all city centres.


Is today economically convenient to use sustainable transportation? If, as I can imagine, yes, how can I factor it? 

Sustainable trasportation is a compeletely new way of thinking, more conscious and occurs clever planning.

Our Electric-trucks can fulfill the nightly distribution in the most delicate old towns as Florence, Turin, Milan including Como, Varese, Lecco,  Rome and Brescia and as we work even in Finland, Tampere and Vantaa (Helsinki) without disturbing the local residents due its silence, especially at low speeds.

Another important factor is  its emissions. As our slogan says:  “Zero emissions during operations, electric trucks leave only clean air behind”.

The costs to operate (fuel and service) of E-trucks are significantly lower – but, and this factor is very important, the cost of E-trucks are still very high so as investment needs to be wellplanned.

For our clients of course this benefit will be clear already from the beginning and we are delighted to support the business with real facts and calculation from our group of specialised engineers from University of Applied Sciences, Finland.


Can you please explain in a concrete manner what are your responsibilities in your Company? 

During my years here at MODALOG SA/ Niinivirta Group I could experience toghether with our fantastic team to build up a start up company from zero.

My duties including commercial activities, PR and of course all marketing activities from visit of fairs, organising events which we proudly can annonce our well succeed event together with TESLA Ticino.

Together with Niinivirta Transport SpA with whom we work closely to build up our network of sustainable transportation for distribution in city centres


Based on your international experience what are the most important ability a person like you should have here in southern Europe?

In South Europe women are more feminin and have a great network even professionally.

Here is more appreciated to show emotions, be professional is “ALWAYS A MUST” but beside it some nice and cordial conversation – sometimes outside of business topics could generate good partnership and new possibilities to work togther.

I think also that transparency is appreciated by partners and colleagues as well as in business.

My sensitivity I could turn into profit while I found appreciation from the part of my business partner.

I am conscious that when we treat people with respect, compassion and patience and see the most people not only business partner will florish not only the relation between business partners but even gives a fertil field for a good and long-term business.



Your point of you is very interesting as you are from northern europe, working for international transportation from Ticino. You should recognize better than any other the main differences in the approach of Companies to Sustainability. In fact in theory all of us have a positive feeling, but then in the day by day, a conservative approach seems to be dominant and people come back to ‘business as usual’. What is your experience and how you see incoming trends?

International Companies have completely open view and they are more sensitive to use sustainable vehicle  for transportation.

The way to implement these changes are also longer but I had the fortune to meet some very professional managers in Ticino, who are having not only the mentality of visioner but also courage to start with simple and small steps to implement our innovative way to their distributions and transport with our E-fleet ( fleet of 100% electric truck of 14-16.000 kgs).

I think also the way to offer this approach is a little bit different by working with a group of engineers from University of Applied Sciences  from Finland.

We can support all kind of businesses with real facts and data for the benefit of using E-truck for transporting goods.


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